Creating and populating a database using Python and SQLalchemy. Part 2: Classes and queries

Last month I wrote a post on the SQLalchemy engine and session. Now I’m going to describe how you can set up a mapping for your schema so that you can populate and query your database.

Setting up your Schema

Setting up your schema correctly is what will allow you to get the most out of SQLalchemy. I’ll assume you’ve already set up your session and that it’s stored in the object session. After this, you’ll want to import some functions:

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String, Float, Boolean
from sqlalchemy import Index
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref

Base = declarative_base()

All I’ve done here besides importing is to set up Base. This is a basic table class provided by SQLalchemy. When you set up your own table classes, they will inherit from Base, so that many basic table methods will automatically be available to you.

Continuing with my example from the previous post, I’ll be using code snippets that I used to convert the Yelp academic dataset from JSON files to a PostgreSQL relational database. Here is what a basic table class looks like:

class Restaurant(Base):
	__tablename__ = 'restaurant'
	restaurant_id = Column(String(250), index = True, primary_key = True)
	ages_allowed = Column(String(250))
	price_range = Column(Integer)

This code is fairly readable; I’ve told SQLalchemy to call this table restaurant, and I’ve given it the names and types of a few columns. The restaurant_id column is the primary key for this table, and I’ve also created an index for the column, to make queries more efficient.

Basic Table Relationships

If your schema includes multiple tables, you will probably want to establish relationships between them. For example, I also created a table of restaurant reviews, called review, using a class much like the one above, called Review. This is a many-to-one relationship, since a restaurant may have multiple reviews, but a review will only be associated with a single restaurant. If I want to establish this relationship through the ORM, my Restaurant class will have an additional line:

class Restaurant(Base):
	__tablename__ = 'restaurant'
	restaurant_id = Column(String(250), index = True, primary_key = True)
	ages_allowed = Column(String(250))
	price_range = Column(Integer)
    reviews = relationship('Review', backref = 'restaurant')

This last line creates a .reviews attribute for Restaurant. The backref argument also creates a .restaurant attribute for class Review. This is syntactic sugar that allows me to set up the whole relationship in this line, without specifying the relationship in the class Review.

Many to many relationships are slightly more complicated. In my database, a restaurant may be associated with many categories (Cafe, Italian, Chinese Food, etc.), and each category will be associated with many restaurants. This means that I need to set up a table for categories, and a junction table that joins the restaurant and category information. I also need to establish relationships between the restaurant/category tables and the junction table, as follows:

class Restaurant(Base):
	__tablename__ = 'restaurant'
	restaurant_id = Column(String(250), index = True, primary_key = True)
	ages_allowed = Column(String(250))
	price_range = Column(Integer)
	categories = relationship('Category', secondary = 'restaurant_category')

class Category(Base):
	__tablename__  = 'category'
	category_id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
	restaurants = relationship('Restaurant', secondary = 'restaurant_category')
	name = Column(String(250), nullable = False)

class Restaurant_Category(Base):
	__tablename__ = 'restaurant_category'
	category_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('category.category_id'),
	                     primary_key = True)
	restaurant_id = Column(String(250), ForeignKey('restaurant.restaurant_id'),
						   primary_key = True)

The gist of this is that I set up a separate junction table in SQLalchemy, which specifies that its columns are foreign keys, and that they form a composite primary key for the table (by setting primary_key = True for both columns). I also set up a relationship for both Restaurant and Category, telling SQLalchemy that this relationship is specified by a secondary table, in this case restaurant_category.

Populating and Querying your Database

To create these tables in your database of choice, take your engine object and run:


Populating the database is pretty easy, once you’ve set up the schema. Adding a category is as simple as:

category = Category(name=item)

If you want to add a restaurant and link it to the category, you can append the category to the Restaurant object:

restaurant = Restaurant(restaurant_id = 'ABC123', price_range = 1)

Querying tables with the ORM is a powerful way to work with your database, but it takes some getting used to.

category = session.query(Category)

A basic query on a class like the one above is equivalent to the SQL SELECT * FROM category. Note that it returns a query object, so that the query can be refined over multiple lines.

category = category.filter( == 'Cafe')

This line will find all category rows with the name ‘Cafe’. Note that this can also be run as a single line:

category = session.query(Category).filter( == 'Cafe')

There are many other ways to filter and adapt your queries, many of which are listed in this tutorial. If you set up logging, you can look at the actual SQL that is being run, which can help you debug and improve your queries.

The aspect of SQLalchemy I found most confusing is figuring out how to access actual table information from the query object. There are a few approaches to this. If there are multiple rows that match your query, you can iterate over them or put them all in a list:

for row in category:

## this is equivalent to the code above,
## but stores each Category object in a list
cats = category.all()
for cat in cats:

If you only want a single row from your query, you can use category.first() to get the first match. It’s important to note that the query object is giving you rows in the form of a Category object. We can use these objects to take advantage of all of the relationships we set up before:

mycategory = category.first()
## let's get all of the restaurants associated with this category:
category_rest = mycategory.restaurants
## what is the first restaurant that matches?
firstrest = category_rest[0]
## what are all of the categories associated with this restaurant?
some_categories = firstrest.categories
for cat in some_categories:

As you can see, you can do some complex and recursive things with these objects! If you have a complicated schema, the overhead of setting up the ORM in SQLalchemy is, in my opinion, really worth it.

Done At: Sep 8,2015

Posted with : Python, SQL, SQLalchemy
