Heuristic optimization algorithms for fun and (academic) profit

Optimization algorithms are one of those things that you might learn about in an undergraduate CS class, then quickly forget. But if you need a good answer to an computationally intensive problem, there’s really no substitute for them. There are optimization algorithms with a strong mathematical basis (such as gradient descent), but these are generally based on certain assumptions of how the problem is defined and what your fitness landscape is like. Heuristic algorithms (such as hill climbers, simulated annealing, and evolutionary algorithms) make few assumptions but no guarantees. They are fairly agnostic to the shape and structure of your solution space and fitness function, but they make no promises that you will ever find the best solution.

Why use heuristic search algorithms?

Heuristic search algorithms are good for a very specific thing: finding solutions to minimize or maximize some fitness function. In general, the fitness function refers to some quantitative metric for how good your solution is. You could be trying to find a route to minimize the distance travelled for a UPS driver (this is the well-known travelling sales rep problem), or you could be trying to choose the price point and production cost in order to maximize units of clothing sold. Each of these problems has a well-defined fitness function to minimize (total distance and units sold, respectively). We don’t know exactly what the “fitness landscape” looks like, but we expect that similar solutions will generally have similar fitnesses. In both of these cases, there are far too many possible solutions to search exhaustively, and the fitness function can’t simply be minimized by differentiating. All of these features make these problems an excellent fit for a heuristic search algorithm. Ideally, we would like to use some algorithm that would guarantee that we find the globally best solution, but when the fitness space is high-dimensional, non-differentiable, and impossible to search exhaustively, heuristic algorithms are often the best we can do.

Fortunately, a pretty decent solution is often good enough for practical purposes. UPS would rather their drivers take the most efficient routes possible, but it’s better to have a relatively efficient route calculated in a short amount of time than the optimal solution calculated after days or weeks of computation. So now that we’ve decided to use a heuristic method, what are our options?

Hill Climbers

Hill climbers are pretty boring algorithmically, but they are incredibly useful for many problems, because they are so fast. Hill climbers essentially greedily look for a local optimum. The general flow of the algorithm goes as follows:

  1. Take current solution and mutate it
  2. Compare the fitness of the mutant to that of the current solution
  3. If the mutant is better than the current, replace the current solution with the mutant
  4. Return to step 1

That’s it! Again, the fitness here is a number that measures how good your solution is– this is the number you’ll be minimizing or maximizing. The mutation function is a function that makes some small change to the current solution. You want this mutation to be fairly small, so that you’re searching locally in the solution space. If you make big changes to your solution with every mutation step, you’re not really hill climbing, you’re just trying out random solutions, which isn’t very efficient. For the travelling sales rep problem, a solution will be a permutation of the destinations, so a reasonable mutation function would be to randomly swap the order of two destinations.

In general, you’ll run a hill climber for a specified number of steps and then stop. You can also code the algorithm so that you automatically stop after rejecting N steps in a row. This will stop you wasting computer time when your algorithm has already converged.

A simple extension to the hill climber that can improve performance is to create several mutants in step 1, then take the best and compare it to the current solution in step 2. This helps the algorithm climb the steepest part of the hill, rather than meandering slowly upward.

Hill climbers are great because they have very little overhead. They find local optima very quickly. However, if your fitness landscape has multiple local optima (which is likely for many problems), it is easy to get stuck in a suboptimal part of the solution space. One solution is to run lots of hill climbers starting in different places. The hope is that one of them will start near the global optimum, and since the runs are relatively quick, it’s not very costly to run a lot of them.

I find that hill climbers are always a good place to start when looking at a new optimization problem. However, for very complicated fitness landscapes, their usefulness begins to break down. A hybrid solution is to use something complicated like a genetic algorithm at first, then take that solution and run a short hill climber, to make sure it is locally optimized.

Simulated Annealing

To understand why simulated annealing is useful, it’s helpful to understand the tradeoff between exploration and exploitation. Algorithms explore the fitness landscape to find promising regions. This means searching some crappy parts of the landscape too, since you may have to cross a deep valley (assuming you’re maximizing) in the landscape to find a higher peak. Algorithms exploit promising areas by climbing local peaks. Once you’ve found a worthwhile part of the fitness landscape, you want to find the absolute best solution in that area, so it’s worth spending time there searching for a local optimum.

Hill climbers are focused entirely on exploitation, and have no exploration phase. Simulated annealing allows for more exploration by accepting suboptimal steps for a while. Early on, a simulated annealing algorithm will accept almost anything, and will wander around the fitness landscape. But over time, it will hone in on a promising area, and becomes less and less likely to accept suboptimal steps. By the end of the algorithm, it is essentially a hill climber.

Simulated annealing moves smoothly from exploration to exploitation with a parameter called the “temperature” T, where T is strictly positive. The temperature essentially controls the probability of accepting a suboptimal step. When the temperature is high, the algorithm works essentially like a random walk, accepting most steps whether they’re an improvement or not. When the temperature is cold, few suboptimal steps are accepted, and the algorithm operates essentially like a hill climber. By starting the “chain” (a single run of the algorithm) at a high temperature which slowly cools over time, the chain transitions slowly from exploration to exploitation, and is better able to find a good solution without getting stuck in local optima. Here is the general flow of the algorithm, for a minimization problem:

  1. Take current solution and mutate it
  2. Compare the fitness of the mutant to that of the current solution 3. a. If the mutant is better than the current, replace the current solution with the mutant b. If the mutant is worse, accept mutant with probability: exp((CurrentFitness - MutantFitness)/T)
  3. Update the temperature so that it is slightly cooler
  4. Return to step 1

Note the equation in step 3. If the mutant is worse, its fitness will be higher, making the value inside the exponential higher. The exponential of something very negative will be close to zero, so as your mutant gets worse, your probability of accepting it gets closer and closer to zero. But as the temperature T increases, the value inside the exponential becomes less negative, thereby increasing the probability of acceptance. This is why high temperatures (large T) are more permissive than cold ones (T close to 0). The “cooling schedule” in step 4 is a complicated subject about which many papers have been written, so I won’t discuss it in depth here. A reasonable starting point is to decrease T by some small fixed value at each step (making sure never to allow T to become negative).

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)

If you’re familiar with MCMC, you may be wondering why I’m mentioning it here. MCMC isn’t really designed as an optimization algorithm at all. It’s basically a way to approximate really complicated integrals. In optimization terms, this would mean that it’s designed to output the whole fitness landscape, not just the optimal solution. If you’re at all familiar with Bayesian statistics, you may know that MCMC is useful for numerically approximating the posterior distribution, which is generally a really complicated integral. If you aren’t familiar with Bayesian stats, don’t worry about it, it doesn’t matter for our purposes.

There are many variants, but at its core, MCMC operates kind of like simulated annealing, but with a constant temperature. That means you don’t get the automatic transition between exploration and exploitation at all.

So who cares? Why use it for optimization? Because…

Metropolis-Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMCMC)

If you’re really hardcore, two MCs aren’t enough for you. You need three! MCMCMC (MC^3) is also technically designed to solve complicated integrals, but it also happens to work well as an optimization algorithm for many problems. Each “MC” refers to a different mathematical property of the algorithm. These are things you care about if you want to solve an integral, but all we want is a pretty good solution to a hard optimization problem, so these properties don’t really matter to us. In fact, ignore the real name. I’m going to call this Multiple-Chain MCMC, because the multiple chains are what really make this algorithm stand out.

MC^3 is an interesting blend between simulated annealing and MCMC, with multiple chains running at once. The way it works is that we run many chains simultaneously, each at a different temperature. These temperatures will range from very hot (almost a random walk) to very cold (almost a hill climber). We let these chains run for several steps, but every so often, we give them a chance to swap.

This is really the critical part of MC^3. Starting from the hottest temperature, we look and see how good the solution is. If the solution is good enough, we swap it with the adjacent temperature. Then we move to the next hottest, and repeat until all chains have had an opportunity to swap. We call this a “bucket brigade” process because good solutions will percolate up to cooler temperatures, being passed up and up like water in a bucket brigade. This means that once we find promising regions of the landscape, we quickly cool those solutions and do a local search. The multiple chain setup allows us to both explore and exploit at the same time. I’ve had fantastic results with this algorithm, and I think it deserves more attention than it’s gotten in an optimization context.

If you’re using MC^3 for Bayesian statistics, the probability of accepting a swap is based on a likelihood ratio. Our fitness function is not necessarily a mathematical likelihood, but we can still calculate this value using fitnesses. Here it is for a minimization problem:

exp[(coldFit - hotFit)*(1/coldTemp - 1/hotTemp)]

where coldFit is the fitness of the colder solution, coldTemp is the temperature of the colder solution, and so on. Notice that this is fairly similar to the probability used for simulated annealing, but that the difference between the hot and cold temperatures matters here. This is because if you’re proposing to significantly cool a chain, you want to make very sure that it’s a promising area of the solution space. The upshot is that it’s more difficult to successfully swap solutions if they are at very different temperatures. Choosing how to space the temperatures of the different chains is a complicated problem. My solution has been to try uniform and logarithmic spacing, then using whichever performed better in trial runs.

The performance cost for the added power of MC^3 is the fact that you have to run many chains at once, which takes more time. There is also lots of parameters to tune: number of chains, temperature spacing, and length of runs all need to be tuned. This involves a lot of trial and error. To my knowledge, there is no automated way to tune parameters for optimization algorithms like this. However, for my money, the additional runtime and complexity of the code and parameter tuning is very worth it for many problems.

Evolutionary Algorithms/Genetic Algorithms

Evolutionary algorithms (EAs), as the name suggests, are inspired by the evolution of biological species. In general, EAs involve some population of solutions, in which the fittest solutions reproduce more often. Over time the population will evolve toward promising areas of the solution space. There are many kinds of EAs, designed for all sorts of optimization problems. For simplicity, I will focus on genetic algorithms (GAs), which are designed to for problems with discrete, rather than continuous, solutions.

There are many, many variants on GAs, but the general flow is as follows: (1) Generate a population of N solutions. (2) Using some selection algorithm, select N “parent” solutions. This selection process generally involves a fitness function, along with some randomness. Solutions with high fitness are likely to be a parent multiple times, and less fit solutions may not reproduce at all. (3) Mutate each parent solution to produce N “child” solutions. (4) Return to step 2 with child solutions as the new population to select from.

While MC^3 maintains variability by allowing hot chains to continually explore new territory, GAs maintain variability by maintaining a population. This variability will decrease over time, as better solutions continue to reproduce and take over the population. Thus, the GA is able to transition from exploration to exploitation without a temperature parameter.

The selection step is very important for determining how quickly your population converges. You want less fit solutions to get lucky and reproduce sometimes, because they allow you to explore different areas of the solution space. I tend to use tournament selection. This means that I randomly choose N solutions, and the fittest of the group becomes a parent for the next generation. Larger values of N mean the competition is fiercer, and suboptimal solutions are less likely to reproduce. I usually use a tournament size of 2 or 3, making competition relatively weak to keep the population variable for as long as possible.

The mutation step for GAs works just like it does in the other algorithms. However, because you are maintaining a population, you can allow recombination, in which multiple parents are combined to form a single child solution. Occasionally allowing solutions to recombine can introduce new variability into the population, but it is not appropriate for all problems. In the travelling sales rep problem, for example, each destination should appear in the solution once. For instance, if you want the optimal path between locations {A,B,C,D}, it’s not obvious how you would combine the path A -> B -> C -> D with D -> B -> A -> C.

GAs are very slow in comparison to the other algorithms, because it is constantly maintaining and updating so many solutions. However, it does a fairly good job of exploring the solution space, and the speed cost can sometimes be worth the tradeoff.


Heuristic search algorithms come in many varieties, and may perform better or worse depending on the specific problem to be solved. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to know ahead of time if you have a problem where simulated annealing will succeed, or if an evolutionary algorithm will be necessary, or if repeated hill climbers will perform best. These algorithms can become computationally expensive very quickly depending on your fitness function and your input parameters (population size for GAs, number of chains for MC^3, and so forth). My preferred approach is to try them all and see what works best. Luckily, once you’ve written each algorithm once, it’s very easy to plug in different fitness and mutation functions. It’s easy to make the code modular, so you don’t have to rewrite everything for a new optimization problem.

In general, I have the most consistent luck with hill climbers and with MC^3. I’ve found that simulated annealing and genetic algorithms both have a tendency to converge too quickly, unless everything is very carefully tuned. Hill climbers can just be run many times until convergence, and MC^3 is constantly getting new variation via the hot chains, so I’ve found that it takes less tuning to get good results. I encourage you to try them all and see what works best for your problem. Simple examples of each algorithm, as applied to the travelling sales rep problem, can be found on my github. Happy coding!

Done At: Aug 4,2015

Posted with : Python, Algorithms
